
Молба за помощ

Здравейте, колеги,

Днес получих това имейл от гръцки колега. Иска ми се да му помогна, но аз съм детска учителка и не мога да бъда точна. Моля, помогнете ми да му отговоря....

А ето имейлът...

I am teacher of computer in primary schools here in Greece and master student in Pedagogiek University

I am searching information about kind of primary schools in Balkan's countries. Especially:
1. in which age the children goes to primary (eg in Greece is 6-11 and then go to 2ndary schools for the ages 12-14)
2. what time the children go to school every day and what time they leave
3. IF THERE ARE extended schools (that children stay at school after 1 or 2pm) or if there is not, if there are some extended programms that they choose -not necessary for all children of the school)
4. What kind of lessons they do in extended school (and if there is not, in normal school)
5. If they eat there (and generally what choices they have: computer lamb, art, health whatever except "ordinary" lessons)
6. If there is only one teacher for each class or different by lessons

If u can help me, answer me until tomorrow morning :))

Thanks a lot !!! (if u cannot answer, no problem;) )

I found some staff by searching the web, but i prefer some info by people that do know the situation now in primary schools, instead of websites only. (also, the bulgarian ministry of education dont have english page)

Have a nice day :)