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How to reduce the increased pulse?


rapid pulse (over 100 beats per minute) means the heart is working hard to pump blood to the organs. In most cases, this is not a serious health problem. It is usually related to exercise, a stressful situation or anxiety.

A normal pulse is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. You can quickly and easily check your radial artery pulse. For this purpose, with the index, middle and ring fingers, you need to palpate the radial artery in the area of the wrist between the radial bone and the tendon of m. carpi radialis. Press the artery with your fingertips to feel the individual pulsations. Count the number of beats in one minute and this is your resting pulse.

If your pulse is fast at rest for more than 30 minutes or while you sleep, you should consult your doctor, as this may be a sign of a heart problem.

Some symptoms associated with a rapid pulse are shortness of breath, fatigue, general malaise, dizziness, chest pain. Learn more about the symptoms of a fast heart rate and don't ignore them.

How to reduce rapid pulse?

Here are some proven ways to normalize your pulse:

  •  - vagus methods

    Vagus methods are used to quickly slow down the pulse. They lead to activation of the vagus nerve and a slowing of the heart rate. The Valsalva method is most often applied. Take a deep breath and try to exhale it with a blocked nose and closed mouth for 20 seconds. Other methods are vigorous coughing and squeezing of the eyeballs.

  •  - cold compress

    A cold compress on the forehead has an immediate soothing effect that stimulates vasoconstriction. This can help lower body temperature and blood flow to the head, which can slow the heart rate.

  •  - stress reduction

    The higher your stress level, the higher your heart rate. For many people, stress is unavoidable. However, you must learn to balance work and rest. A quick and easy way to start de-stressing is to designate a period of time each day to turn off your cell phone and other electronic devices. This will give you an opportunity to clear your mind and change your priorities. Another easy tip for de-stressing is to practice meditation to relax your mind.

  •  - regular exercise

    Regular exercise will help normalize your heart rate. This seems counterintuitive, as your heart rate increases as you exercise. In fact, when you exercise, you teach your heart to contract harder and pump blood more efficiently. The heart is a muscle that needs to be trained to work efficiently, just like any other muscle in the body. That's why moderate-intensity exercise improves heart contractility.

    Other useful tips for maintaining a normal pulse are:

  •  - avoid stimulants

    Stimulants, such as coffee, chocolate, refined sugar, alcohol, tobacco and energy drinks, contain substances that excite the central nervous system, causing effects such as higher heart rate and higher blood pressure.

  •  - keep away from heat

    The higher the temperature, the faster your heart beats. This is because the heart works rapidly to pump blood to the surface of the skin to produce sweat and cool the body. So stay in cool places whenever possible and remember to stay well hydrated.

  •  - add more fish to your diet

    Like exercise, eating a healthy diet benefits each of us for many reasons. Including more fish was associated with a lower resting heart rate. If you don't like fish, you can take fish oil supplements, which can also have a positive effect on heart rate.

  •  - get some rest

    Resting in a quiet, comfortable space with dimmed lights and sounds can help reduce stress triggers that contribute to a higher heart rate. You can cover your eyes, use earplugs, or listen to soothing music for extra relaxation.

  •  - soothing tea

    If you're looking for more relaxation methods, drink a calming tea made with anxiety-relieving herbs, such as valerian or chamomile tea. These teas contain bioactive properties that help reduce the production of stress hormones and stimulate blood circulation.

  •  - get a good night's sleep

Chronic lack of sleep has a negative effect on the whole organism, including the heart. Adults should aim to get at least seven hours of sleep each night.

Read about slow pulse