
Бисери от матурата - PEARLS from the First English Matric

Ето и първите бисери -

на английски PEARLS -

от първата в България матура по английски език - исторически документи, топли-топли -


I now, sunny, I now! - това стои за "зная, слънчице, зная!"

Truthfuly told

He cant stand up and open US.

There haven been fifteen minutes and ... - Не минаха и 15 минути и...

... interesting here is that ...

SELF-phone - (стои за cell-phone - кой ми говори в ухото, а не вика как се пише! ...)

The birds are singing, the sun is shining AND SO IS MY PHONE...

A small village next to the closest town.

We can EXTRACT some good in any situation!

There were no EMPTY rooms in the hotel.

He asked did I am ready. /ClientFiles/d8b83c57-8627-4488-8f2f-4718347d8dbf/sm_wink.gif

It's a large ADOPTED building.

He went on call, because he was coward, although./ClientFiles/d8b83c57-8627-4488-8f2f-4718347d8dbf/sm_dead.gif

 I like our pig more than your boyfriend and either his parents.

If you do not apologhise to your birthday party ...

I was 100% sure...

No one Betty was in the school race.

Saints made on the walls...

When Bulgarians were under the influence of the Ottoman Empire. (това е за турското робство, учено като "присъствието"!)

It doesn't hurt to try...

I scared the angels out of her.

(talking about sex) We did what we did and fell asleep.

...music to my ears.

Аifel Tоwer looked a lot like a NAIL.

TAO (for towel!)

It was my sister that I don't saw her very long time ago.

You should will get the job!

There is a JIM (for gym) inside. And people work out there day and night making MUSSELS. (for muscles)

She mustn't be so RESPONSIBLE and stupid.

She thinks we COMPLETE each other...

Although she was in spite of the snow...

Although it was morning, Mrs Pumpking went out for her usual EVENING walk./ClientFiles/d8b83c57-8627-4488-8f2f-4718347d8dbf/sm_dead.gif

I closed HIM (the telephone).

Абе изобщо....  We (English teachers) did what we did, ами давай да се завиваме...
