but i beeing poor..

but i, being poor, have only my dreams;
i have spread my dreams under your feet;
tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
william butler yeats

i woke up at probably 20:00 my time, which having in mind the 6.5 hrs delay on my mobile is not so early.. you make the math..

anyway.. i had my dream.. i dream about her.. it is not so often that i dream this specific person.. more like almost to never.. anyway the dream.. yea right.. a lot like day dreaming in blue -- if you know what i mean.. nice colors.. soft words.. we had a chat. we touched.. in short we covered almost all aspects of human existance.. in a dream that is..

this next dream -- not like the one before at all.. absolutely nothing to remember about this dream.. i do recall some faces i havent seen in a while -- who cares -- tomorrow i wont even remember i slept that night..

btw i lost my freaking logic.. shit happens like i like to say..

i remeber i had something to say about dreams and wise thought.. here goes nothing..

a wise man once said.. btw wise men say a lot of things -- all the time.. that's why they are wise and we are not.. what i wanted to say was that whatever i say there will be someone who said it before -- wo why talk any way? because we need diversity and we need someone to remind us of what was once said, and now forgotten..

thruth is i have my moments.. moments i think.. i think i am going down.. and i am going down.. i fade.. but not fade to balck -- just fade.. fade until there is a semi-transparent shadow left.. a mere memory of what was once me.. but things are not so bad -- there will be always a new one to come and take the space -- it is withing the laws of physic -- energy is never lost.. more like transformed..

so whatever the wise men say -- it will not bring me down.. just me and me alone can bring me down and me and me alone can make me fade into nothing..

but until then i will still be one of those people who bash their heads against the wall and constantly ask the sole question "what would it be if".. people that have dreams.. people that offer their dreams to be thread on..

and do be careful -- these are my dreams and you are threading on them..

а за тези.. тези които не разбират горното -- т'ва е положението.. и аз не разбирам китайски.. обаче не се отчайвам и продължавам напред с наръчника по китайски (какъвто нямам) докато някой път разбера някоя фраза.. на кратко тва са някви мои снощни размишления между няколко събуждания.. но понеже деня ми напредна забравих за какво става дума.. и за да не го забравя напълно го драснах..

някой ден.. някой ден ще си плъгна рекордер в мозъка да ми записва великите идеи..

а до тогава -- keep on dreaming..

благодаря ти.. много и от сърце.. до нови срещи..