Dear Friends,
Why the concert did not happened? So the answer is below.
Today (July 7, 2007 - Saturday), at exactly 19:30, in Hall 1 of theNational Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria, should have started thefirst concert of Sonora Carruseles on the Balkan Peninsula.Unfortunately, as we all know, there is to be no concert. And we havestill not received any press release from the management of the band!?Why did the concert fail to take place? Who is responsible? The answerto these questions, and more, you may find below: On
March, 13 2007 a contract was signed between
Music Messngers, which is Sonora's representative for Europe, and
Studio Elegua Ltd., i.e.
Salsabor: the concert date indicated in the contract -
July 7, 2007 ; the place -
Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture.Soon after signing the contract, as stipulated in the contract, StudioElegua Ltd. tranfered half of the concert fees to Music Messengers.
Toour surprise, however, two weeks before the concert date Mr. JeanMorant, who is Sonora's manager for Europe and President of MusicMessangers, began convincing us to move the date of the concert to alater date - sometime in August. When asked why, he claimed that hewould not be able to bring the band in Sofia on July 7 because hecouldn't find plane
tickets. He was so persistent on his suddendesire to move the concert that it became evident to us that he hadsold July 7, along with July 6th and 8th, to a customer of his in Spain(which he himself did not hide).
When we refused to change thedate of the concert, Mr. Morant stopped answering his phone. Up untiltoday we have still not heard anything from him - neither an apologywith a compensation proposition, nor even a press release.
Wehave no bad feelings for Sonora Carruseles, and for us they are stillthe number 1 salsa band in the world! However, while they have such"managers" like Jean Morant

jean morant
, who turned out to lack any sense whatsoever of professionalism
WE DO NOT RECOMMEND to anyone to work with them.
Please look at this man, don't be deceived by him!