
от joneff на 10 юли 2006, 18:38

angels exist.. they've always did.. so did devils.. they were much alike.. in a way no different from each other.. their purpose? to help shape the destiny of mankind in a softer form.. to shape.. a mere slight almost seamless touch on what was once written by the hand of the force above all called destiny.. with a capital D that is.. for what the destiny would write down could never be changed.. so what was the difference betwenn angels and devils? one would have done bad.. while the other.. well they havent done a bad yet.. one would be gifted.. the other punished.. you figure it out.. it was way too possible to transfer aliance though.. absolutely in the likehood of happening.. all it took was a sole deed.. but noone did it.. no one.. that means zero in plain.. much was the fear from transfering.. being angel or devil doesn't mean you are proof to being human.. infact they were humans generally.. and since the fear from change was human.. that was why noone transfered.. noone? .. for every rule there are its odds.. along came george.. once a mortal.. then an angel.. now a devil.. irony above all made him what he is.. along came george and torched everything on his path.. ash and chaos followed.. destructive would some say.. but not in george's mind.. ash is pure.. chaos perfect -- the two most important ingredients of a new life.. for in fire george saw the opportunity of rebirth.. of a new start.. of a new life.. only the phoenix would be granted the ability to be reborn out of fire.. until now.. until george came.. he knew.. he always knew.. eversince he went to eden .. not once or twite but numerous times.. eversince he saw the source of knowledge.. eversince he took a bite.. and for that he was punished.. his wings were taken.. his divinity defiled.. you see.. knowledge was not always tolerable.. but he didnt mind.. in a way.. even though he knew a way of fixing things he never did.. he knew that past is past for it was not meant to be changed.. but the present and future -- now this was a subject to change.. so he did focused on that one.. if someone was meant to die in teriible agony didnt mean he could not have a good life.. gabrielle was staring at a young couple.. perhaps it was possible for them to be in love and live happily.. it was here case.. it was up to her to give that little push.. but she was afraid.. she was afraid, because helping is a lot like handlig a doubleblade knife -- if you are not careful you could easy cut yourself.. not to mention kill.. and when it came to feelings.. it was like playing with a whole bunch of doubleblade knives.. so she was afraid.. and staring.. - listen to your heart -- a voice form behind said.. it was george.. - have no heart.. - if what you say is true -- how i come i hear it pumping so loud.. everytime i come around your heart is pumping so hard, that it almost bursts.. and george was right.. the past could not be easily forgotten and gabrielle was still excited when george came around.. not necesarily excited in the good way.. more like worried.. more like frightened.. - but they are different -- she and he.. - so are many others.. if it wasnt for diversity, we would not exist.. - but they could go wrong, they coud harm each other.. - yes they could.. but they havent.. not yet.. and it is up to you so they will not.. - but i am afraid.. what if i am wrong? - then you are a human, just like them.. just like me.. - but they will blame me, if thigs go wrong.. - no they wont.. understand that man is strong enough to make his own desicions.. understand that we are not here to make those desicions for them.. were here just to help them and guide them.. - but destiny.. - destiny has written us only guidelines.. we as servants of destiny have the power to show people these guidelines.. whether they follow them or not, is what people do in their life.. life is a sequence of choises.. at times we may think we've done a right choise.. at times we may think the opposite for the same choise.. but as long as we make that choise -- life goes on.. the day we stop making choises is the day we die.. - and yet i am not sure.. - neighter are they.. they stood silently and observed.. gabrielle was confused.. it was common for george to mess up with her head.. that was mainly why she didnt want to see him.. but he always knew.. the bastard always knew.. that stupid connection of theirs.. even now he was reading her thought which made her even more confused.. george he was not happy at all.. having voices in his head was not in his definition of being happy.. at times he hated that ability of his.. at times people wanted to be left alone.. even angels.. it was jsut he couldnt leave gabrielle the same way she couldnt leave the mortals.. that's why he appeared.. a snowflake during the summer.. a rainbow during the winter.. it was in normal when angels were confused.. george picked up a frosted flower.. it was not yet bloom.. he gently blowed and melted the ice.. the blossom opened and revealed the hidden beauty inside.. - you see -- the fact that we couldnt be happy doesnt mean we should take happiness from others.. - do you think they will be happy? - we can never know for sure.. but look -- they are happy now -- that is all that matters now.. - but if they could be happy who says we cant be? -- asked gabriel as she turned.. but there was noone there.. george haä vanished in thin air.. all that was left was a cloud of mist and the scent of the flower he held a moment ago.. - we did -- his words filled the empty space..