The dream /part 3/

от pchelichkata на 27 май 2006, 16:39

Категории: Разкази и поредици

I woke up with a mortifying headache in a bed covered with white sheets and smell of acetone. I remembered... I was hospitalized. I looked around to find my clothes, but there was no sign of them. I got out of bed and just when I was about to open the door a nurse took my hand and said:

"Mam, the doctor is expecting you. Again that nightmares which trouble you, I suppose? Now take your medications like a good girl, that's right, come..."

My head whirled, I walked dizzily along narrow passages and heard people shouting, people laughing and crying, people screaming and begging for help, and people talking nonsense. Voices from everywhere. STOP, STOP that noise, PLEASE! SHUT UP! I want home...

Two large nurses dragged me along the passage way into some small room. I begged them to let me be, but they wouldn't listen."

"The electrotherapy will do you good", said the same nurse from behind me. Tears of hopeless pain ran down my cheeks as something touched my forehead. Instant sharp pain and all was darkness again. Only one face was so clear in my mind, he that night talking about getting rid of me by putting me into a mental institution.

I woke up three days after my last therapy and my head hurt when I tried to think, the nurse came in and said the doctor wants to see me.

"How is my patient?", he asked and as he produced a smile that covered his whole face he said:
"Nurse, double her medications!"

He went out. I lay myself down to sleep, I am too weak to stay awake. Stars spread around the sad velvet sky and it is crying with diamond tears and I have the same dream, over and over and over, how I lay next to him and watch him sleep under the cover of the night- he looks so pretty, so calm...

/the end/