these days..

от joneff на 28 август 2006, 18:28

Етикети: ~

there is nothing like kick-starting the day almost flat-broke at 5.30 in the morning.. it took some time to realize that i was no longer in my medieval fantasy-like nightmare.. some time to realize that this was real life..

5.30 and i was already late.. i had to catch up.. i brushed my theeth as fast as i could.. i put some basic stuff in my favourite and only backpack and i rushed to the trainstaion..

the train was late.. as usual.. which made me from being 10-15 minutes late some 10-15 minutes earlier.. and so i waited..

the fact that i was beeing proper broke meant that i could not afford to buy some smokes.. or not yet.. for that it was quite a long  waitng.. also it must have long time not going to varna for i have forgotten the direction the train would come.. and even though i could hear the train closing by i was still looking in the wrong direction.. eventually some cops told me to turn around..

at last -- my mates were here.. not that i could see them, but they were here.. or so i hoped to be.. success -- i saw them waiting for me and that was course of movement..

by that time i noticed something.. something not right.. somehow my friends looked a little bit different.. i didnt know what.. it was not because they didnt sleep.. nor that that they had drunk all night.. no something else..

there was someone not belonging there.. someone taking someone else's place.. the place beside a dear friend of mine was no longer occupied by the women i am used to see.. there was someone else.. someone i did not like and i had no intention to like.. for which i missbehaved for which i was probably wrong..

some minutes later, some junk food later and we were standing, well sitting actually, on the back ot the bus station waitin for a bus to take them somewhere.. i was supposed to go with them but i changed my mind in the last minute for reasons i could not explain to them and so i had to be not honnest with them..

i really hate when i am not honnest with people, but there things people not always understand and so i have to find a way to tell them things not straight..

some beers drunk.. some smokes are done.. some moments more we spend together and they are gone..

alone i was atlast.. with me.. my thoughts.. my deamons.. and my all.. i missed people at times.. her in particular.. and her.. and her.. i try not to think about for it takes me lots of time and energy and.. damn.. i am gonna be late..

i rushed again for time was not to waste and i had plenty of things waiting to be done.. i took a shower.. i shaved.. i brushed my theeth.. again.. i put some more things in my backpack and off to sofia i go..

do understand that i planned to attend the meeting from the start but i also knew that things could go wrong and not attend as well.. so i had tu support this "i-am-not-going" version to the very end..

the train departured right on time -- there was no doubt for me -- tonight i was going to party..

the sunflowers were no longer looking at the sun.. instead they looked down with dark faces as if the were the one to blame for the killing heats.. and even then i had plenty of views on my way..

i was smoking on the window when suddenly my heart trembeled.. moisture.. coolness.. some minutes later my friend the rain stopped by to say hello filling my heart with joy.. for i was not used with the southern heat and every drop of rain was quite a relief.. as if an old friend had given me a hug.. a kiss.. a special moment.. a feeling i would carry on..

and just the way he came, the rain was gone and my other friend -- the sun -- took his place spreading light and kisses of warm touch all over the world and to my face.. i smiled..

i met two friends in sofia.. we walked.. we even played some table tennis before katherine called.. again my trusted feet carried their master to his next location -- the sofia central bus station..

a fine young women approched me -- katherine -- more than obvious it was she.. we went back to the friends i left in the park and together had a cup of coffee with a luckcharm..

it was time to meet the bloggers..

what followed.. hmm.. it was interesting no doubt..

sisley -- ok.. we had our time there.. some good time.. some fun time.. some rain time -- again my friend the rain came by..

the clock struck midnight.. still we stayed.. i cant recall when we left, but we did it -- that i know.. the maker's house -- are next location -- was to be invaded by a swarm of bloggers..

it was a splendid night.. probably could have been better if whe had some more bloggers on the spot some might say -- but bottom line stays the same -- hell of a party..

the morning after was no different.. after seeing katherine off and vesko -- i thank them both, as well as the others who attended, and only them but all the rest for reasons i will not enclose for i am trying to be short and to bore to death -- i went to have some sleep for i was tired..

would you be suprised if i say that i did not sleep.. we had a chat and we talked a lot.. but when i did sleep in the end -- it was a sleep indeed.. two hours of dream enchanced by the wanderful music selected by my yet anonymous host..

at 10 pm we (me and vesko) left the city.. by train we travelled till reached plovdiv..

again my feet walked the streets.. i reached my place.. i went to bed..

i did intend to post this earlier for i awoke in early hours..